Thursday 5 October 2017

Dealing with Peer Pressure...

Hi…in our last blog we discussed about Peer Pressure, now we will see how to deal with it?
As I told you, that we should not allow generating negative thoughts aggravating to build a pressure on Us, is the first step to avoid it. But sometimes we are not able to analyse these thoughts and we start to think on it. Result of same we start to fall in prey of Peer Pressure.
If it happens, its ok, there are ways to come out of this situation. For that you need to work on your thought process, its little bit tricky but not difficult to implement. Will tell you…
Suppose you have any thought of inferiority complex in your mind for any reason, then there are two steps to tackle with…
Step First, try to analyse your thought, after that if you found that you are at lower side, then accept the fact as it is, don’t try to fight within, just take as it is. When you do this the generation of more negative thoughts will stop in your mind, as you consent your position so there is no scope that you will think any more bad or wrong about yourself.
Step Second, you accept the fact that you are low or less than someone. When you acknowledge this, it becomes your Strength. How come?? I will tell you…
As you accept your current position, subsequently your mind is stable now, you can think openly & in focused way, at this moment you should try to ask questions yourself, such as why are you at this state?, what are the parameters or factors you need to work upon? Once you are able to find these factors, you can plan the things in better way to overcome on those hurdles, ultimately you start to think how can you improve from your current position towards better position than before.
Here you have converted your Strength into Opportunity and this is happening only because your mind is stable & open to think in all ways. Effect of this, you can Efficiently focused on your improvement points.
In our next blog we will see the types & handling of peer pressure specifically for adolescences.

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