Sunday 15 October 2017

FAITH Matters...

Hello All, “FAITH” colossal concept, having immense supremacy to change the possible from impossible. We are very familiar with this word because of our Culture, perhaps the concern is, we directly connect this term with GOD.

I agree FAITH reflects GOD, we learnt this from our childhood, nothing wrong in it. But it’s the way maximum people consider FAITH is connected only with GOD. This is not reality, each time FAITH cannot be connected with GOD. It has several other aspects also. But then we are so dependent on word & entity “GOD” that we lost the way, how to use the strength of FAITH in our life.

Today I just want to give some light on the strength of FAITH just to feel you that what you have within? Friends for next few minutes imagine the entity (or concept) GOD is no more, doing so now think that you have FAITH but there is no GOD then, on whom you have it? Is there somebody on whom you have FAITH? Think about your Parents; think about your serious partner, or anybody else, can you? Those who think with heart will have the answer Yes, but those who think with brain will have the answer NO. Don’t worry both the answers are logical, let me explain

What is FAITH? According to me its relative term where, on somebody you have belief, that in any circumstances in your life that person or that entity is with you & either they will take out you from difficult situations or they can guide you for sure. How it works I will tell you…

For those who answered YES, When you discuss your problem with somebody on whom you have FAITH, It create hopes for you that they will give some guidance to you for come out from challenging situation, it works positively, your mind gets relaxed (reason back of your mind you have belief, that the person or entity will give some solution to you), because of this you clam down and starts to think in more positive & efficient way for your problem, in result you find your own solution to tackle.

Now those who said NO, In this case as they don’t think that they should have FAITH on someone, such thought creates an adverse Impact but in positive way. These people are aware that there is no body to help them in critical situation. So they need to act by their own to come out from the problem. While doing so, by inevitably the FAITH has emerged about their capabilities to tackle the situation & with this they sort out their problems.

So friends have a FAITH, doesn't matter its on whom. Hope you enjoying the readings, Wishing you all very Happy Diwali, Be Safe & Take Care…

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Hello everyone. Hope you all are doing well. After long gap we are starting our conversations again. Friends on last Saturday I met som...