Monday 30 October 2017

Have You Knocked the Door?

Hello Friends, by looking at question, you must be thinking, about which door I am talking? I am talking about the term “Opportunity” because of which lives gets changed.

Many of us are working in Organizations & some of us have worked more than for 4-5 years in one position. Then inevitably the thought would have come in your mind, when I will get my opportunity? Everybody is waiting for an Opportunity. You must have heard the sentence, “That everybody gets an opportunity once in a life”.

By following same, many people just wait years for an Opportunity, if you are travelling in same ferry then, friends you are doing a mistake. The scenario has changed. The Famous American actor Mr. Milton Berle has said “If Opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”. Today either you need to find an opportunity or need to create it. This is what it is, unless & until you act on it with your ACT Attitude, you are away from the Success. 

Here are some tips to find breakthrough. Keep good relations with everybody. You need to be alert while working. Keep knowledge of all levels in your organization. Try to be updated on all fronts. Watch it closely what is happening at different levels. You need to be vigilant.

While doing so, at some moment, if you find any position or vacancy  which are suitable for you & will add value to your experience, then talk with your manager openly. Tell them, you think, you are capable for that position & confident to deal with. Ask them respectfully, will they talk with HR for you or it’s you to talk? This will show your Honesty, your approach to Grow, your Aspiration & most important your Self-Belief.

Benefits of doing so, if you got the position, it’s great but if you don’t? Still it’s good. Because you formed a thought in HR’s & your Manager’s mind, that you have started to raise your Hand. I think "instead of waiting for something if you take proactive steps to grab it, will definitely work", isn’t it friends? Be Safe & Take Care…

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Hello everyone. Hope you all are doing well. After long gap we are starting our conversations again. Friends on last Saturday I met som...