Tuesday 12 December 2017


Hello everyone. Hope you all are doing well. After long gap we are starting our conversations again. Friends on last Saturday I met some students from the standard 7 & 8th. It was for general discussion about their studies friends, groups, teachers, parents, etc.

In discussion I was surprised by observing their tremendous Energy & Confidence. But at the same time when I heard some of the concerns from them, it disturbed me. The concerns were about their relationship with parents & the change in relationship between a girl and a boy.

You must be thinking, How can be it’s a concern? We will see. While discussion when I questioned, how much are you comfortable to deal with your parents? Are you all telling everything to them? The answer was No. We don’t tell all to our parent’s because if we do so, then questioning will start for each and every minute thing. They will say no, to us before listening our opinion. Girls were annoying that parents always make difference between a boy and a girl. According to Girls, they are considered accountable for each and everything but boys aren’t. Girls are facing restrictions in-spite the boys enjoy freedom.

Now another concern of our discussion was relationship between a boy and a girl. It means they want to say that the paradigm of boys towards girls has changed. Friends you will be shocked by knowing what Girls have told. According to them now days the std 5th or 6th the boys are looking at girls with wrong intention, sometime making them feel awkward in front of boys.

You can imagine the thought process of Children in today’s days. At the same time the breach is increasing day by day between Parents & their Children.

I am leaving this conversation here... It’s up to individual, what message should to be taken from this Discussion. Isn’t it? Be Safe & Take Care...

Saturday 4 November 2017

Personal Branding - Need of Competitive Market...

Hi Friends, in our last blog we have seen Personal Branding. We conferred, before presenting you need to take care of three terms. What, When & How will you present? Same we will discuss in this blog. Assume at your works, you are facing problem in one process, which is very critical & you worked upon to find the solution for that, in result you have invented the solution for same. We will take this as case study for discussion.

What will you present? We have above case to show for your own marketing. Friends, take care whatever, you have invented (or will discover) as your solution or invention, it shouldn’t be someone else replica. It has to be your own. Always try to evaluate your invention/solution by asking questions within, such as, “Is it adding value to process or organization? Will it be cost effective? Is the solution is easy to implement? etc.

When will you show? The “Perfect Timing” is always important. Don’t show off immediately. Take review of surrounding situation. See that you should present it on correct timing. It means, in above case study you have your solution/invention, asses its need, if it’s not needy at that moment, be calm, don’t tell to others about it, wait for correct timing and then take a call for show off.

How will you present? The way of present should be impactful. Show it to all in such way that you can gain some advantage; otherwise it will be a waste of all efforts or somebody else will take the credit. Prepare yourself for selling your idea (your solution/invention), means you need to tell it with proper backup. Like, what are the advantages & disadvantages of it? Make a proper plan of implementation, is there any investment require for implementation? If yes, then be ready with budget plan & its payback period with breakthrough time line. Such stuffs are important for convincing others.

Personal branding is necessity of today’s competitive market. Learn it. Be safe & Take Care…

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Personal Branding...an ART

Hello Friends, hope you all are doing well. To present our self is an ART. In your daily work life you must have observed many people, who work smartly; they get higher positions or promotion in quick succession. It’s not that they are doing any different things but what matters is they present it with different paradigm.

How to present is also an ART. There are people in organizations, does all hard work sincerely but nobody notices them. Because neither they are able to show their work nor management want to see the same. It’s not that management is not aware about their performances. Management knows very well who is doing what, but still sometime these guys stays behind than others cause their incompetency to put their work & demands on table.

In today’s corporate era many-times, unless you show & demand nobody will look at you. You should be capable enough to present your work, achievements, and improvements. Some thoughts what you can do for your own branding, Very first thing, think of before presenting your work, that What, When & How will you show?

Just for an example, if you have done any good improvement or found the solution for any problem, first thing you need to do is call your peers and tell them your  achievement. While doing so call your boss & tell them about your performance. If possible take snaps of it. Share the same to relevant functions, as they can also use it, if they want.

One important thing, if you have subordinates then, communicate others, the achievement is teams effort. They are the actual players; you just given them the directions. Doing so, would represent your leadership attributes. At the same time your team feel proud. Last message is be aware, don’t do unnecessary show offs as it may spoil your image, that’s the only reason I told above…before presenting always think about What, When & How. Be safe & Take Care.

Monday 30 October 2017

Have You Knocked the Door?

Hello Friends, by looking at question, you must be thinking, about which door I am talking? I am talking about the term “Opportunity” because of which lives gets changed.

Many of us are working in Organizations & some of us have worked more than for 4-5 years in one position. Then inevitably the thought would have come in your mind, when I will get my opportunity? Everybody is waiting for an Opportunity. You must have heard the sentence, “That everybody gets an opportunity once in a life”.

By following same, many people just wait years for an Opportunity, if you are travelling in same ferry then, friends you are doing a mistake. The scenario has changed. The Famous American actor Mr. Milton Berle has said “If Opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”. Today either you need to find an opportunity or need to create it. This is what it is, unless & until you act on it with your ACT Attitude, you are away from the Success. 

Here are some tips to find breakthrough. Keep good relations with everybody. You need to be alert while working. Keep knowledge of all levels in your organization. Try to be updated on all fronts. Watch it closely what is happening at different levels. You need to be vigilant.

While doing so, at some moment, if you find any position or vacancy  which are suitable for you & will add value to your experience, then talk with your manager openly. Tell them, you think, you are capable for that position & confident to deal with. Ask them respectfully, will they talk with HR for you or it’s you to talk? This will show your Honesty, your approach to Grow, your Aspiration & most important your Self-Belief.

Benefits of doing so, if you got the position, it’s great but if you don’t? Still it’s good. Because you formed a thought in HR’s & your Manager’s mind, that you have started to raise your Hand. I think "instead of waiting for something if you take proactive steps to grab it, will definitely work", isn’t it friends? Be Safe & Take Care…

Saturday 28 October 2017


Hello all, how you adapt the Change? In today’s corporate world this attribute of your behaviour is one of the key aspect for Success. Generally we neglect it, because we like our routine. We become so habitual to our daily schedule that we don’t like the change anything in that and because of any reason if its changed, we get disturb for whole day. Same applies with job profile also. If any new task or any process changes have been asked to adapt, we are reluctant to it.

Bottom line is we don’t want Change. Why this is so? Why we face the problem with Change? This is because we afraid, afraid of job security, restless to disturb the comfort zone, scared to lose our expertise, anxious that someone else will take over, so many reasons.

Is it really so difficult? NO. Let see, if suppose you have been asked to change your job profile or take some additional work in your professional carrier, then don’t get befuddle, don’t give reaction immediately, whatever your answer at that moment, don’t disclose it, first ask your superior, that you need some time to think. Don’t worry they will allow you, definitely.

Then continue your work. Don’t think about the change you have been asked for, till you get relaxed. Once you calm down then try to analyse the advantage & disadvantage of that change if you accept it & same if you deny. What will you achieve in terms of Value addition? Have such thought process within.

Friends, try once it works, positively you will be in better position for decision making. Only remember thumb rule is the acceptance any of change is better in 7 out of 10 cases. Keep in mind friends “Bring the Change in You Otherwise You will be Changed” Be Safe & Take Care… 

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Have You Said "NO"...

Hi Friends, You must be wondering what kind of question is this, “Have You Said No?”

For the sake, just go back to your memories & try to recall when you said last “No” or “Not” to somebody. Still not clear? Let me help you with some examples, if you are a girlfriend of somebody then have you said “No” to your boyfriend for any of his needless demands?, If you are a wife, then have you said “No” to any illogical burdens?, If you are a Student then have you said “No” to any wrong demand from your friends like smoking, alcohol, etc?, If you are employee then have you said “No” to your boss for his/her unsolicited command?

No, normally we don’t say “No” in any of such situations. What am I talking, isn’t this reality? This is reality, because we are afraid to say “No”. This is the fear, fear of losing the friend circle, nervousness of losing boyfriend or vice versa, dread of getting alone from the family, fear of losing a job, so many things behind this fear. In result of this fear, we accept those things many times which are not legal, which gives you mental stress, which leads to take you in bad habits, sometimes it may dangerous to your life also.

I just want you to say, that you should start to say “No” for wrong things. For saying “No”, you need to have the confidence at start, cause once the person realizes that you don’t like what he/she demands or you are not ready for doing the things as he/she is expecting, they will be on back foot & will not push you for same anymore. But remember while saying “No” for the first time you need to say with full of Confidence & be firm on your stand. Once you win this initial battle nobody will dare to play with you again.

Thought may come in your mind, how should we deny directly? behaving such way, means hurting the feelings of our dear ones. I will not say this is wrong thinking, it’s absolutely correct, but then this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t say “No” to their illogical demands. While saying “No” to your dear ones, you can take them in confidence, explain the consequences if you follow the way they say. Convince them in such way, that they will accept your “No” with gratitude. Try to convince them by all ways. In case of boss, tell the actual & factual reasons, for your denial. Keep in mind if you try with honest efforts, your Refusal will also be accepted. Saying “NO” without hurting is also an Art.

So, Have You Said No?, try once...and experience the change. Be Safe & Take Care…

Monday 23 October 2017

Categories of Human Beings...

Hello Friends, hope you all are doing well. In our last blog we have seen about the Human Beings & Categories of same. In this blow we will categories in detail.

First Category is Mineral Human Being, this type of humans are self-centric. They don’t bother about their dear ones or surroundings. They only work for them; they will do all those things first in which they perceive their advantage.

Second category is Vegetable Human Beings; these people are taking care of themselves in addition to their family & friends only. Whatever they do, that will be & only in interest of their friends & family. 

Third category is Animal human Beings, this type looks beyond their families. These human beings are love to think & doing something better for their society, their village or in some cases for their cast, so the periphery is very limited of these characters.

Fourth category is Human Human Being; these are the human beings, who think for the betterment for every other human being, in-spite of those who doesn’t belongs to their cast, society or village or from their families. We can say this is the better type of human being than first three.

Fifth category is Godly Human Being, best among the all. As name describes, these human being are think for betterment of all universe. They take care for animals, trees, every person they know. These Humans are always tried to do something positive for the betterment of all living species on the earth.

I think, now it’s better to understand, who we are? & what we should be?, when it comes to Human Being Category. Be Safe & Take Care…


Hello everyone. Hope you all are doing well. After long gap we are starting our conversations again. Friends on last Saturday I met som...