Monday 30 October 2017

Have You Knocked the Door?

Hello Friends, by looking at question, you must be thinking, about which door I am talking? I am talking about the term “Opportunity” because of which lives gets changed.

Many of us are working in Organizations & some of us have worked more than for 4-5 years in one position. Then inevitably the thought would have come in your mind, when I will get my opportunity? Everybody is waiting for an Opportunity. You must have heard the sentence, “That everybody gets an opportunity once in a life”.

By following same, many people just wait years for an Opportunity, if you are travelling in same ferry then, friends you are doing a mistake. The scenario has changed. The Famous American actor Mr. Milton Berle has said “If Opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”. Today either you need to find an opportunity or need to create it. This is what it is, unless & until you act on it with your ACT Attitude, you are away from the Success. 

Here are some tips to find breakthrough. Keep good relations with everybody. You need to be alert while working. Keep knowledge of all levels in your organization. Try to be updated on all fronts. Watch it closely what is happening at different levels. You need to be vigilant.

While doing so, at some moment, if you find any position or vacancy  which are suitable for you & will add value to your experience, then talk with your manager openly. Tell them, you think, you are capable for that position & confident to deal with. Ask them respectfully, will they talk with HR for you or it’s you to talk? This will show your Honesty, your approach to Grow, your Aspiration & most important your Self-Belief.

Benefits of doing so, if you got the position, it’s great but if you don’t? Still it’s good. Because you formed a thought in HR’s & your Manager’s mind, that you have started to raise your Hand. I think "instead of waiting for something if you take proactive steps to grab it, will definitely work", isn’t it friends? Be Safe & Take Care…

Saturday 28 October 2017


Hello all, how you adapt the Change? In today’s corporate world this attribute of your behaviour is one of the key aspect for Success. Generally we neglect it, because we like our routine. We become so habitual to our daily schedule that we don’t like the change anything in that and because of any reason if its changed, we get disturb for whole day. Same applies with job profile also. If any new task or any process changes have been asked to adapt, we are reluctant to it.

Bottom line is we don’t want Change. Why this is so? Why we face the problem with Change? This is because we afraid, afraid of job security, restless to disturb the comfort zone, scared to lose our expertise, anxious that someone else will take over, so many reasons.

Is it really so difficult? NO. Let see, if suppose you have been asked to change your job profile or take some additional work in your professional carrier, then don’t get befuddle, don’t give reaction immediately, whatever your answer at that moment, don’t disclose it, first ask your superior, that you need some time to think. Don’t worry they will allow you, definitely.

Then continue your work. Don’t think about the change you have been asked for, till you get relaxed. Once you calm down then try to analyse the advantage & disadvantage of that change if you accept it & same if you deny. What will you achieve in terms of Value addition? Have such thought process within.

Friends, try once it works, positively you will be in better position for decision making. Only remember thumb rule is the acceptance any of change is better in 7 out of 10 cases. Keep in mind friends “Bring the Change in You Otherwise You will be Changed” Be Safe & Take Care… 

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Have You Said "NO"...

Hi Friends, You must be wondering what kind of question is this, “Have You Said No?”

For the sake, just go back to your memories & try to recall when you said last “No” or “Not” to somebody. Still not clear? Let me help you with some examples, if you are a girlfriend of somebody then have you said “No” to your boyfriend for any of his needless demands?, If you are a wife, then have you said “No” to any illogical burdens?, If you are a Student then have you said “No” to any wrong demand from your friends like smoking, alcohol, etc?, If you are employee then have you said “No” to your boss for his/her unsolicited command?

No, normally we don’t say “No” in any of such situations. What am I talking, isn’t this reality? This is reality, because we are afraid to say “No”. This is the fear, fear of losing the friend circle, nervousness of losing boyfriend or vice versa, dread of getting alone from the family, fear of losing a job, so many things behind this fear. In result of this fear, we accept those things many times which are not legal, which gives you mental stress, which leads to take you in bad habits, sometimes it may dangerous to your life also.

I just want you to say, that you should start to say “No” for wrong things. For saying “No”, you need to have the confidence at start, cause once the person realizes that you don’t like what he/she demands or you are not ready for doing the things as he/she is expecting, they will be on back foot & will not push you for same anymore. But remember while saying “No” for the first time you need to say with full of Confidence & be firm on your stand. Once you win this initial battle nobody will dare to play with you again.

Thought may come in your mind, how should we deny directly? behaving such way, means hurting the feelings of our dear ones. I will not say this is wrong thinking, it’s absolutely correct, but then this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t say “No” to their illogical demands. While saying “No” to your dear ones, you can take them in confidence, explain the consequences if you follow the way they say. Convince them in such way, that they will accept your “No” with gratitude. Try to convince them by all ways. In case of boss, tell the actual & factual reasons, for your denial. Keep in mind if you try with honest efforts, your Refusal will also be accepted. Saying “NO” without hurting is also an Art.

So, Have You Said No?, try once...and experience the change. Be Safe & Take Care…

Monday 23 October 2017

Categories of Human Beings...

Hello Friends, hope you all are doing well. In our last blog we have seen about the Human Beings & Categories of same. In this blow we will categories in detail.

First Category is Mineral Human Being, this type of humans are self-centric. They don’t bother about their dear ones or surroundings. They only work for them; they will do all those things first in which they perceive their advantage.

Second category is Vegetable Human Beings; these people are taking care of themselves in addition to their family & friends only. Whatever they do, that will be & only in interest of their friends & family. 

Third category is Animal human Beings, this type looks beyond their families. These human beings are love to think & doing something better for their society, their village or in some cases for their cast, so the periphery is very limited of these characters.

Fourth category is Human Human Being; these are the human beings, who think for the betterment for every other human being, in-spite of those who doesn’t belongs to their cast, society or village or from their families. We can say this is the better type of human being than first three.

Fifth category is Godly Human Being, best among the all. As name describes, these human being are think for betterment of all universe. They take care for animals, trees, every person they know. These Humans are always tried to do something positive for the betterment of all living species on the earth.

I think, now it’s better to understand, who we are? & what we should be?, when it comes to Human Being Category. Be Safe & Take Care…

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Human Being...

Hello friends, Happy Diwali to all of you…We live in society, where we meet different people with different behaviours. At any moment do you have a thought that why are we having different behaviours? I am sure many of you didn’t, reason almost every time we keep our relations with each other for some expectations or needs.

We are so busy in our day to day life, where we forgot that we are Human Beings, who is the only animal, can think for betterment of each and every living species present on this Earth. So friends today with the help of different types of Human Being I will tell you, how we categorized according to our behaviour & characteristics, from which you can analyse where you fits & is your category really working for the betterment for others or not?

For that first we need to understand what is mean by human being? You may have a thought in your mind, what kind of questions is this? All of us know very well what is meant by human being. But, the characterization of human being which I am going to tell is different than our normal understanding.

So, the bookish definition of Human Being is “any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens called as Human Being. According to me Human Being “it’s known or judged by the characteristic of behaviour”. Generally it has been understood that the person who follows the Ethics in his/her day to today’s life is known as Good Human Being.

Human Beings are categorized according to their Nature, behavioural characteristics in society. Those categories are…
                                        1.     Mineral Human Being
                                        2.     Vegetable Human Being
                                        3.     Animal Human Being
                                        4.     Human Human Being
                                        5.     Godly Human Being

We will try to understand these types in our next blog, till then Be Safe & Take Care…

Sunday 15 October 2017

FAITH Matters...

Hello All, “FAITH” colossal concept, having immense supremacy to change the possible from impossible. We are very familiar with this word because of our Culture, perhaps the concern is, we directly connect this term with GOD.

I agree FAITH reflects GOD, we learnt this from our childhood, nothing wrong in it. But it’s the way maximum people consider FAITH is connected only with GOD. This is not reality, each time FAITH cannot be connected with GOD. It has several other aspects also. But then we are so dependent on word & entity “GOD” that we lost the way, how to use the strength of FAITH in our life.

Today I just want to give some light on the strength of FAITH just to feel you that what you have within? Friends for next few minutes imagine the entity (or concept) GOD is no more, doing so now think that you have FAITH but there is no GOD then, on whom you have it? Is there somebody on whom you have FAITH? Think about your Parents; think about your serious partner, or anybody else, can you? Those who think with heart will have the answer Yes, but those who think with brain will have the answer NO. Don’t worry both the answers are logical, let me explain

What is FAITH? According to me its relative term where, on somebody you have belief, that in any circumstances in your life that person or that entity is with you & either they will take out you from difficult situations or they can guide you for sure. How it works I will tell you…

For those who answered YES, When you discuss your problem with somebody on whom you have FAITH, It create hopes for you that they will give some guidance to you for come out from challenging situation, it works positively, your mind gets relaxed (reason back of your mind you have belief, that the person or entity will give some solution to you), because of this you clam down and starts to think in more positive & efficient way for your problem, in result you find your own solution to tackle.

Now those who said NO, In this case as they don’t think that they should have FAITH on someone, such thought creates an adverse Impact but in positive way. These people are aware that there is no body to help them in critical situation. So they need to act by their own to come out from the problem. While doing so, by inevitably the FAITH has emerged about their capabilities to tackle the situation & with this they sort out their problems.

So friends have a FAITH, doesn't matter its on whom. Hope you enjoying the readings, Wishing you all very Happy Diwali, Be Safe & Take Care…

Friday 13 October 2017


     Hello all hope you are doing well. I am saying this greetings to you it means at somewhere I am trying to show my kindness towards you, doing such kind of acts shows the Attitude of that person. Getting me what I want to say? It means how you behave, how you perform, how you face any grievances, how you handle difficult situations these entire things  represents your Attitude, in other way what kind of personality you are.

     Normally there are two types of Attitude we learnt or we heard, one is Positive Attitude & another is Negative Attitude. But today I want to give you third type of it ACT Attitude, don’t get puzzled. I am saying this because this third type plays the important role in your life depends how you use it, will clarify you…

     Attitude reflects your behaviour. Positive & Negative attitudes are the attributes of your behaviour. If you are in trouble or found yourself in difficult situation then reactions to face those moments & your decision making ability defines your trend towards Positive & Negative approach. This is easy to express & understand.

     But friends some time situation demands that you need to show something else against the reality which may completely different. For example if anything goes wrong in your life which will impact your family or friends, so you don’t want to inform them with direct message then you need to capable enough to wear mask of “ACT attitude”. Situation would be handled by you in such way that, you should capable to pretend from your body language & saying, nothing has happened, not to worry at all but at the same time successfully & skilfully you need to manage the things & make aware to all, if anything goes wrong then, shall prepare to face it & how it will be.

     This is just example I gave you, but in today’s professional life it’s a need to carry ACT attitude always, for that you needs to develop certain soft skill characteristics in your behaviour. Thanks for reading, Be safe & Take care…

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Positive Peer Pressure...

Hello everybody, till now we have seen the concept of Peer Pressure, Its Impact on Students, Types of Peer Pressure, Negative Peer Pressure & today we will see the last topic of this series, Positive Peer Pressure…

This is healthy type of peer pressure. In this type, friends influence each other to excel or do things in better way. Children support each other to enhance their skills. Like doing study with some different methods, carry out the exercise, following spiritual things at home, helping to Mom, such things, because of which one child influence to another to carry out Positive things.

This kind of pressure is very good. In this type child (He/She) follow their friend if they are doing or performing good practices. It’s developing like healthy competition. In this case Parents just need to encourage & support children, to boost their confidence.

Hope you got some idea about word Peer Pressure. This was the last blog on Peer Pressure series. Hope I am helping you all on analyzing the subject.

If anybody requires support on this topic please revert to me. Thanks to all for reading my Blogs. Be Safe & Take Care… 

Monday 9 October 2017

Negative Peer Pressure...

Hi…in our last blog we left the discussion on types of peer pressure. So we will continue the same topic. As we have seen there are two types of peer pressure, let's understand the 1st Pressure...

      1. Negative Peer Pressure:
It means the children’s are negatively influencing each other. Like friends are asking to smokes, take alcohols, drugs, in some extreme cases sex also. In such situation He/she not able to resist directly though they don’t like to do this but just because of the fear of losing the group & they fall into prey of it.
This type of peer pressure is more dangerous. If the child (He/She) facing this situation cannot refuse (afraid to say NO) to this pressure then, they may addict of such things. For same there are some tactics on “how to say No to someone” or “how handle such situations”, about which children should aware of.

Apart from above things, In some cases child (He/She) feel inferiority complex, as one sees that others wearing or doing something & he/she don’t, then they try for follow the same to uphold themselves at equal of others. In such cases children’s are just behind their parents for purchases of new things or mobile or electronic gadgets, where the demands are not at all logical, but they are…certainly because they are not aware about such kind of prey.

Social Media, in today’s era of technology this is another aspect which starts to create a noise. Such as, how many friends you have in your friend list? Who is getting maximum likes? who follows to whom?, in social media groups making fun of someone to extreme level where the victim suffers from tremendous nervous feelings. In which game you are master?, if somebody cannot play that game then laugh on him/her feel them shamefull in front of other children, so many cases we have to talk about.

     It’s not that the Negative Peer Pressure cannot be handled or can’t be tackled. There are ways to take out any child from the prey of negative thoughts. If anybody has any concern or questions, please do write me on comment with your mail address, I will try to support you.

In our next blog we will see Positive Peer Pressure, till then Be Safe & Take Care… 

Saturday 7 October 2017

Impact of Peer Pressure on Students

Hello all, hope you are doing well. In our blog series we are discussing about the Peer Pressure. In my last two blogs we discussed what is mean by Peer Pressure & How it can be dealt with? In our today’s blog we will try to discuss the same topic but specifically The Impact of Peer pressure on Adolescences means youth.

Many of the times parents are not aware that their children are facing Peer Pressure & Depression issues in their early age. According to National Crime Records Bureau latest by 2015, every one hour one students commits a suicide in India. India has one of the world’s highest suicide rates for youth aged 15 to 29, according to a 2012 Lancet report.

The reason for such high statistics can be attributed to lack of economic, social, and emotional resources. Specifically, academic pressure, social pressures, modernization, relationship issues. As the children’s are becoming more progressive, their orthodox households become less supportive of their choices relating to financial independence, understanding their needs, premarital sex, rehabilitation and taking care of the elderly, etc.  

This is the impact of Depression or Peer Pressure on our children. There is high probability that children having peer pressure may face the problem of long term depression. So its important that parents should have conversation with their child regularly, just to ensure that if he/she needs your support for which they may afraid to talk about. 

I am mentioning here the types of peer pressure in students, subsequently the detail discussion will do in our next blog...till then Take Care of Yourself...

The types of Peer Pressure are....

1. Negative Peer Pressur
2. Positive Peer Pressure

Thursday 5 October 2017

Dealing with Peer Pressure...

Hi…in our last blog we discussed about Peer Pressure, now we will see how to deal with it?
As I told you, that we should not allow generating negative thoughts aggravating to build a pressure on Us, is the first step to avoid it. But sometimes we are not able to analyse these thoughts and we start to think on it. Result of same we start to fall in prey of Peer Pressure.
If it happens, its ok, there are ways to come out of this situation. For that you need to work on your thought process, its little bit tricky but not difficult to implement. Will tell you…
Suppose you have any thought of inferiority complex in your mind for any reason, then there are two steps to tackle with…
Step First, try to analyse your thought, after that if you found that you are at lower side, then accept the fact as it is, don’t try to fight within, just take as it is. When you do this the generation of more negative thoughts will stop in your mind, as you consent your position so there is no scope that you will think any more bad or wrong about yourself.
Step Second, you accept the fact that you are low or less than someone. When you acknowledge this, it becomes your Strength. How come?? I will tell you…
As you accept your current position, subsequently your mind is stable now, you can think openly & in focused way, at this moment you should try to ask questions yourself, such as why are you at this state?, what are the parameters or factors you need to work upon? Once you are able to find these factors, you can plan the things in better way to overcome on those hurdles, ultimately you start to think how can you improve from your current position towards better position than before.
Here you have converted your Strength into Opportunity and this is happening only because your mind is stable & open to think in all ways. Effect of this, you can Efficiently focused on your improvement points.
In our next blog we will see the types & handling of peer pressure specifically for adolescences.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Peer Pressure...

Heard the word? No......, this word is started  creating a noise in our today’s life. Definitely you may have thought at least once in life, that “Yar baki dostone to bahot kuch hasil kar liya he but mere pas unse kam he, sala puchenge to kya kahunga??” OR "If you are students then your parents may compare you with your friends, certainly..." OR "Sometime You yourself compare with your friends or peers".

These are just examples, to understand what can be a Peer Pressure. All of us, at all levels of life faced this or facing these issues. Doesn’t matter what’s your age or profession is, some where it exists in your back of the mind. In today's stress full life it’s becoming one of the cause of Depression, Sorrow, Tension, Stress etc.

Peer pressure is concept where you try to compare yourself with your closed ones or with your surrounding contacts. In this comparison if you are at better position than others then it’s good, but if you are below than others, then it starts to create negative thoughts within.
It’s not that the peer pressure is very big issue to tackle with, but at the same time it is important, that we should not allow generating such thoughts aggravating to build a pressure on Us. As such pressure or negative thoughts, creates inferiority complex in our mind. This state of mind impacts your confidence to perform or meet the people better than you, then you starts to avoid those people or such incidences to face with.
This is the subject, nobody nobody talk about, but everybody try to manage with situation and continues to live with mortification. Be safe & Take Care...

Sunday 1 October 2017

Corporate Politics...

The Terminology “Corporate Politics” is emerging in today’s highly Competitive & Highly Professional World, where you need to be on your toes always to grab an opportunities for sustenance and upward as well as peripheral growth. Following what I said, you need to do some likely or unlikely things, sometime knowingly - unknowingly, on some occasions against your natural behaviour, some time you will be forced to do such things. Such set of actions can be defined as Corporate Politics.

We heard that politics is bad, not good for career, but this doesn’t hold to be true all the time. Politics is not always bad or wrong, but it’s just one way to accomplish & present your work in an Organization. Here I want to talk about the politics with Positive thought process & with positive energy. It’s not needed that you should always play a game of politics in your working life but you should be capable of analyzing  yourself that you are not falling prey to someone else’s game. It often happens that in an organization the person who is soft & introvert becomes a target of such political games. This fellow does all the hard work & somebody else takes the credit of it.  Such kind of cases happens in our daily work life. So, I want to say that don’t play a political game against anyone, just to show them down or bad, don’t take fake credits, but prevent you by all the ways from getting duped.

Friends, today it’s not easy to grow by just doing your routine work. You should not be only creative while working but you should also be able to present your efforts. You might be the best guy in your team, but to show that you are performing as a best guy is an Art, for which it’s essential to play with tactics and which means Positive Corporate Politics. Keep in mind, in professional environment, “Unless you PLAY, you will be PLAYED OFF”. The Person, who is confident, self-driven, is aware about the skills of positive corporate politics, always stays up front & has Success in the career path.

You can achieve the desired result by using the techniques of Corporate Politics  with Positive mind set. 


Hello everyone. Hope you all are doing well. After long gap we are starting our conversations again. Friends on last Saturday I met som...